Having the knowledge that human is the most valuable source we have, we are giving value to education and fulfilling our duty to make sure the students who constitues our future gets the opportunity for education.
Schools we brought to society with sense of responsibility;
Gaziantep UniversityNaci Topçuoğlu Vocational High School
Vedat Topçuoğlu High School
Ali Topçuoğlu Industrial Vocational High School
Vedat Topçuoğlu Vacational and Technical High School
Berrin Topçuoğlu High School
Mücevher Topçuoğlu High School

Our studies for society and our coworkers health is continuing and with the knowledge of our responsibility we increase our support for day by day.
Inayet Topçuoğlu Hospital which was built in 2002 was allocated to metropolitan municipality.
As Gülsan Holding employees we do blood donation to Kızılay every year.
As Gülsan holding employees we do blood donation for İmmun Plasmotherapy which is effective for fighting with Covid-19.

We are renovating our machine park and our production substucture continuisly with leading technological developments. We are aiming to recieve maximum efficiency by using minimum sources from our restricted energy and raw material source respecting the nature and embarking an production understanding that can compete in national and international arena.

In all of our production stages; we take all precautions for our employees to work within the highest standards of occupational health and safety and we are continously developing ourselves to make an right human dignity work environment.

Contribute for Society
Gülsan Holding demonstrates its susceptibility with the investments done for education, health and environment and also demonstrates social responsibility by building many mosques and soup kitchen and incorporate them to the country.
Ali Topçuoğlu Mosque
Mustafa Topçuoğlu Mosque
Mustafa Hilmi Topçuoğlu Condolence House